
I've finally decided that I am a writer - all the other things I do just pay the bills. Someone eloquent once said that if you do what you love, the money will follow. Well, let's just see about that.

RIP Aggie

RIP Aggie
Aggie was my fifteen-year-old cairn terrier - or maybe I should say I was her 55-year-old person! She was my faithful companion, spoiled rotten and I am still trying to figure out what to do without her.

Peter the Cat...

Peter the Cat...
This is Peter the gingersnap tabby! He's seven years old and has just been promoted to Peter the Very, Very Good. He is working his way up to Peter the Great...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...
Bee is Peter's buddy. He's eight years old and has made himself right at home. I guess cats really do come in pairs or sets of three!

And Jasper makes three!

And Jasper makes three!
Jasper is our new guy - the Cat From Another Place. He's four years old and we think he likes it here - so far, so good!

Buzz about...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh, for a quiet mind...

I just finished reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It wasn't quite what I expected, but I rather enjoyed it. One thing I could really, really relate to is her quest for a quiet mind. Ever had one of those days (or nights) when you could not relax your mind, no matter what you did? I was very tired last night and I didn't even open a book to read - not one line! - I didn't even take my glasses out of my bag. That's unusual for me! I just wanted to go to sleep - the dogs were even quiet. And do you think I could get my thoughts to stop flitting from one thing to another? No. Not for a couple of hours. I think a racing mind is even more tiring than a day of manual labor. I am a world-class worrier, which I know is a big part of my problem, but nothing seems to work when I try to calm my churning thoughts down. Not even praying - and I do that alot.
I was doing okay with a much calmer mind this morning - but by the time I got into the office and sat down at my desk to make my daily to do list, zing! my brain was going a hundred miles an hour again, to the point that I wasn't done with one simple task before I started working on another or thinking about the next one, making trips to the back room and coming back empty-handed because I forgot why I went back there. It's been a productive day so far, but I Wasn't really able to concentrate until after I'd eaten a turkey sandwich for lunch. Any possibility that too much caffeine and not enough breakfast had something to do with this?

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