I only wish I had something at home to work on! I woke up yesterday morning with the worst sinus headache - it's probably the weather and the heat - but I was dizzy and sick to my stomach and there was no way I wanted to drive. Aggie & Monty were happy to have Mom at home - but one person can only sleep so much without making a bad headache worse - so I did laundry, putzed around the apartment and then I realized what I really felt like doing was cross-stitching - but alas, the small projects I kept out of storage were at the office! I am working on finishing a cute picture for Tim with a bunch of cats and dogs in it that says, "There's always room for one more!" If that isn't Tim to a T! I also have the dreaded rainbow trout on my floor frame - but it's literally been years since I put a stitch on that thing. I switched two colors when I was working on the pinkish part of the trout's body and I have since misplaced the chart and the floss (it was a kit - hence the color confusion) and well, there it is in the frame, taunting me. I have been going to search eBay for the same kit - but I guess my heart just isn't in it. I should - the fishing flies around the perimeter of the picture are done and I am halfway finished with the fish. And it would make a nice addition to Tim's man-cave walls with his trout chart and other fishing related prints. I stitched the picture with the beehive for our anniversary several years ago. Tim was enamored of it as much as a man can be, I guess - but I get to enjoy it on the wall above my desk in the office. I also ran across this cute raspberry picture I did - there are three other small patterns that do with it: grapes, blueberries and a butterfly. It was one of those free charts from DMC that comes with new floss colors - and it also has a large picture with a basket flowers, but I've never been that motivated. I have a kit for the Mary Engelbreit print above with my motto on it: Bloom Where You're Planted. Maybe I'll work on that when I finish the pet picture for Tim. I just put my project in my bag so I don't forget to take it home with me!
12 years ago
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