Well, it's official - I threw my monkey pajamas away today. They were totally worn out and completely unsalvagable. I love pajamas. I have cat pajamas, jammies with clouds, a celestial print, pajamas with hearts and shamrocks, dog pjs, Christmas pajamas - even Halloween. But the monkeys - well, they were my all time favorites. And here's why: Tim and his movie lines. I need to explain. Shortly after we were married, Tim and I started going to the movies every Saturday afternoon. On July 3, 1996, we saw Independence Day and Eraser. Both great movies - and some memorable movie lines. A couple of weeks later, we were in Tampa and saw Multiplicity with Michael Keaton. Anyhow, you know how he clones himself to get more done and ends up with a clone who is a total guy and a clone who is really in touch with his feminine side. Well, the clones end up cloning the total guy and they get they total retard. Of course, I was amazed at how accurately the clones summed up all the aspects of a typical man's personality - but I digress... Anyhow, the third clone does stuff like folding pizza up and putting it in his wallet and calling people by the wrong name - but he does have some great lines, like "She touched my peppy" and "Did you bring me a monkey?" Needless to say, the "Did you bring me a monkey?" line has gotten repeated around our house (and airports) for the past thirteen years at opportune moments. Hence, the monkey pajamas - and other monkey gifts over the years. In fact, Curious George rides around in the back seat of my SUV, along with Jerome the sock monkey and several other monkeys of the stuffed variety. In fact, I got my first monkey many years ago - even before I knew Tim. I'm going to miss those pajamas.
12 years ago
Cute story, I love it!!!!!