and I seem to have forgotten that fact when I gave away my microwave. Having read all of the alleged dangers of microwave popcorn, I had pretty much sworn that particular treat off anyway - but popcorn is still our preferred snack of choice around here. Several years ago, we had an air popper, but Tim hated it because the salt wouldn't stick to the popcorn. The popper went to Goodwill and we went back to microwave popcorn. I guess things really do come back around - or so they say. We are back to air-popped popcorn and we are loving it! Peter even takes a treat now and then. I'm not a big salt fan so we use Butter Buds for popcorn seasoning instead. It's even good with a bit of Mrs. Dash. So far I've even resisted the urge to put the butter melting cup to use, although I'm not saying that I can't be tempted by butter. Isn't everyone?
12 years ago
So do the Butter Buds and Mrs. Dash stick to the popcorn? We stopped using our air popper for exactly the same reason.