how satisfying being able to cram a whole bunch of rubber stamping supplies into one small cupboard can be? This spot is originally where the color laser printer was going until I had an epiphany and passed it along to Richard. This would have been wasted space - but thanks to these lovely (and cheap inexpensive!) storage boxes of various sizes from Wal-Mart, I have stored patterned paper, card-making supplies, ribbon, envelopes, Cricut cartridges (out with those bulky boxes!) and the stamps I use most in about nine cubic feet. Now the top of the craft desk, which I will photograph tomorrow, won't be an eyesore right behind my work desk! I love organizing - too bad I don't really like organizing other people's junk. I have two more bags of stuff for Goodwill, a box of school supplies and stuff for Ariela's kids and two big bags of trash. And - I am proud of myself - the boxes Al & Tom brought over from the office yesterday are all empty save one. I haven't quite figured out where to put my flatbed scanner yet. It's fairly compact - it stands up - and I like it for scanning photos. That's another project I am going to undertake this summer: scanning two big boxes of photos so I don't have to keep everything. I know, I know - I will keep the oldest ones, but Christmas tree pictures and stuff like that I am going to scan and store digitally for posterity. Not like I have anyone who will care, but still. Less is more, less is more...
12 years ago
Good for YOU!! The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul! I applaud your 'Less is more' attitude! Mine, alas, is..."MORE is always BETTER!"