some pharmaceutical company for sinus headache relief! My stupid headache started on Friday morning and by the time bedtime rolled around, I was completely stuffed up and felt like a gorilla was sitting on my face. Touching my eyes was even painful. I've been taking Zyrtec and ibuprofen as often as allowable - with a couple of Tylenol thrown in for good measure - and no relief until about a half hour ago. I don't know if it's the humidity or the pollen or - Heaven forbid the beginnings of a summer cold! - but I have been miserable. Consequently, I have done nothing but read, nap and suffer all day long. I am hoping to feel better tomorrow - I have work to do!
12 years ago
My sister in law has been down in Clearlake since April. She has since developed asthma. She has had a terrible time of it. Hopefully she will be coming home next month. I thought sinus pressure in Texas was bad! Seems worse in Florida!