I sometimes have a tendency to over-complicate things. I bought this adorable chicken wire bulletin board on Etsy - isn't it cute? I wasn't sure where I was going to put it, but I loved it and knew I would decide where to hang it once I had it in my hands. It arrived and I carried it around the house looking for the perfect spot. Well, I didn't find one and then it hit me - put magnets on the back and hang it on the refrigerator! Off to WalMart I went for magnetic strips, but much to my chagrin, when I tried to attach the magnet strip, it wouldn't stick. So I glued it on - problem solved. Or so I thought. When I hung the bulletin board on the fridge it looked great - for about a minute, when it slowly began to slide down to the floor. Too heavy for the magnets! I set the thing on the floor behind the recylce bin and decided to ponder another place for it. Several days later, Ariela got some of those 3M stick-on hooks and came by to hang the bulletin board over my craft desk Great solution - and it looked so cute until... You guessed it - too heavy for the hooks. I decided to embrace the crooked look until someone could reach to hang it more securely for me. And to the rescue, once again, my friends Tom & Al who flipped it over so it would hang more evenly, found the right spot and nailed two big picture hooks to the wall. As you can see, it's still straight and I can reach it to take it down to clip things to it and easily hang it back up. Shoulda just hung it there in the first place! Thanks, guys!
12 years ago
Love this.