I just wanted to get in the car this morning and GO somewhere. Alas, I had to work; I had three clients scheduled after lunch, so I had to stick around. Ariela came in and we actually had one spanish-speaking client. Mostly we chatted and had lunch. Cari makes a mean tilapia Caesar salad. After the clients left, Ariela helped me put some stuff in the SUV that I wanted to take home (a table, a silk ginkgo tree and a lamp) and then she followed me home to carry it in the apartment for me. She's a good girl and I appreciate her. We also had a good laugh over Baby's latest adventure. One night last week, Ariela was dead tired and asked Marco, her husband, to watch Baby (he's three) when she decided to go to bed early. Apparently, no one heard her. She awoke some time later to the sound of running water and a funny smell. She found Baby standing in the bathroom, looking into the overflowing toilet and then down at his wet feet. She immediately enlisted Marco to clean up the mess while she cleaned up Baby. She kept asking her little boy what he had done and he kept denying any part in the great toilet paper caper. She ended up spanking him and sending him to bed - and he didn't even complain. I guess he knew he was in trouble because he covered his head up and went to sleep and stayed in his own bed all night long. The next morning, he changed his story, admitted that he had stuffed the paper in the toilet and was very remorseful. Funny how the three-year-old mind works. She said it was hilarious - but of course, she couldn't laugh and Marco was really steamed about having to clean up the mess. I adore Baby, but I am very thankful for my four-legged kid who has no idea what toilet paper is or how to flush a toilet.
12 years ago
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