I've been in the back room at the office all day sorting through boxes of stuff. Tim is coming to fix my network meltdown again tonight and he says he is going to take his stuff back to Tampa with him so his old boss can ship it up to Pennsylvania for him. We'll see about that - it's been months since I cleared out the storage unit. My network died again - it was fine when I left on Friday but when I stopped by on Sunday to pick up some baskets to take home - no internet, no nothing. I'm just not a techie and repairing a network setup is simply beyond me. Needless to say, I am finding other work to do that does not require an internet connection. I found some old pictures and a lot of other crap I just pitched out, but I scanned this picture of me and my dad. I must have been about four because there's no sign of my sister in the picture. She showed up when I was almost five and I had to stop telling people that my stuffed monkey, Zippy, was my sister who looked just like my daddy.
12 years ago
You are TOO funny!! Hope all your 'techie' problems work out! We don't want to miss your posts!!