
I've finally decided that I am a writer - all the other things I do just pay the bills. Someone eloquent once said that if you do what you love, the money will follow. Well, let's just see about that.

RIP Aggie

RIP Aggie
Aggie was my fifteen-year-old cairn terrier - or maybe I should say I was her 55-year-old person! She was my faithful companion, spoiled rotten and I am still trying to figure out what to do without her.

Peter the Cat...

Peter the Cat...
This is Peter the gingersnap tabby! He's seven years old and has just been promoted to Peter the Very, Very Good. He is working his way up to Peter the Great...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...
Bee is Peter's buddy. He's eight years old and has made himself right at home. I guess cats really do come in pairs or sets of three!

And Jasper makes three!

And Jasper makes three!
Jasper is our new guy - the Cat From Another Place. He's four years old and we think he likes it here - so far, so good!

Buzz about...

Friday, September 02, 2011

I've always wondered...

about this: if the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, what is the road to Heaven paved with?  I've probably had enough good intentions to pave the road to Hades and back about a dozen times so far - maybe I'm destined to be CEO of this company!  Of course, my good intentions this week included catching up on my blog posts, but I haven't done that and now the weekend is upon me.  So many books, so little time...  I just downloaded about eight free Kindle books and I pretty much have my weekend mapped out - and then I looked at my list and blog catch-up is right there at the top.  It might not seem like a big deal, but blogging is something I've been doing for me; it makes me think positive thoughts (most of the time) and it makes me take time to write - even if it's just a paragraph or two.  One of my resolutions way back in January was to blog every day this year - and well, tax season got in the way.  I have about three months worth of half-written blog posts - ideas whose time probably came and went, but those paragraphs matter to me.  The new books will still be on my Kindle next weekend.  Time to rethink my plans...

Oh - and I really want one of those three-wheel bicycles!


  1. It's very easy to feel overwhelmed by all we want to do. But that's the better problem to have than to always be feeling bored. I know some people like that. I'm like you, I make lists and TRY to stick with them. It's such a feeling of accomplishment to check things off as they get done. I'm looking forward to your future blogs! Have a good weekend.

  2. That bicycle is sooooooooo cute.

  3. Hi Dawn, the good thing is that you can change your mind at any time. Schedules are just plans. Go with your heart and everything will fall into place. You're an amazing person and when you blog, you create a prettier world.

    Yoli at Apron Senorita
