
I've finally decided that I am a writer - all the other things I do just pay the bills. Someone eloquent once said that if you do what you love, the money will follow. Well, let's just see about that.

RIP Aggie

RIP Aggie
Aggie was my fifteen-year-old cairn terrier - or maybe I should say I was her 55-year-old person! She was my faithful companion, spoiled rotten and I am still trying to figure out what to do without her.

Peter the Cat...

Peter the Cat...
This is Peter the gingersnap tabby! He's seven years old and has just been promoted to Peter the Very, Very Good. He is working his way up to Peter the Great...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...

Bee - the Cat Who Came From Somewhere Else...
Bee is Peter's buddy. He's eight years old and has made himself right at home. I guess cats really do come in pairs or sets of three!

And Jasper makes three!

And Jasper makes three!
Jasper is our new guy - the Cat From Another Place. He's four years old and we think he likes it here - so far, so good!

Buzz about...

Friday, May 20, 2011

I really do like housework...

or homekeeping, rather.  Hasn't Martha Stewart taken credit for coining that term?  Or for at least making it more popular in today's vernacular?  That being said, maybe it's homekeeping I like as opposed to housework.  While there is something to be said for the simple satisfaction of a job well done, like a gleaming kitchen floor or shiny bathroom faucets, for me it's the nesting aspect of keeping house.  That's not surprising, considering I spent a lot of my free time as a teenager arranging and re-arranging my bedroom - my own personal space.  When I first owned my own home, making it perfect - and keeping it that way - was a priority for me.  Only in my old age have I discovered that dust isn't some infectious disease and that no one really cares whether I do laundry every day or not.  I like the fact that my home is organized and relatively presentable, but I don't obsess over it any more.  These days I appreciate the visual appeal of my surrounding as much as I ever appreciated being able to eat off the kitchen floor.  Like anyone but the dog ever really does that.  If you've ever checked out Home Made Simple's website, you'll find that it's about cleaning, but mainly about simplifying your routines and your life.  Their book, Home Made Simple, is a compendium of tips on organizing, cooking, decorating and gardening.  Not that I do much of the latter, but I do a fair amount of the first three.  So far I've put several of the ideas I found inside to good use around here.
And that, as Martha would say, is a good thing.

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