I am always so happy when Friday arrives. It's not like I've had some stressful, harrowing work week that is in dire need of a weekend. Actually, every day is just about like any other for me - a few phone calls, some paperwork, some more paperwork, check the e-mail, still more paperwork, a final few phone calls and then it's time to snuggle up with Aggie & Peter on the sofa with a book. Or I write for a while. I am blessed with a relatively calm existence - for which I am very grateful, believe me. The other day when I was out doing errands, I saw a sign with a statement that I have thought about quite a lot since: Beware the barrenness of a busy life. Think about it; have you ever been so busy that you felt like you couldn't take on one more thing? I have and in retrospect, those were the most miserable days of my life. And those days went on for decades. Over the past several years, I have learned to say no, respectfully decline requests, not answer the phone and generally ignore those social obligations in which I have no real interest. Those uber-busy people who are out there dazzling their peers (or so they think) with their ability to multi-task and juggle a million obligations are probably secretly unhappy and wondering why their inner lives are so empty. I am so thankful that I have finally learned contentment and that it is perfectly okay to just say no, to ignore a knock at the door or a ringing telephone, take a nap, read a book and to just do the best I can without sacrificing my sanity. Yes, I'm thankful it's Friday, but tomorrow I'll be just as happy that it's Saturday...
12 years ago
Wise words!!! I feel the same way! I look back to my 'previous' life and cannot believe how busy I was! It was needed then but not now. Sometimes LD and I have coffee, read, do a bit, rest, visit and repeat. Some days are busier than others bit Fridays are always good!