of paper, every day for a year is almost a ream of paper. I had never really thought about how much paper that really is until I decided last year to fully embrace Outlook and all of its features. I've been using it forever - but still keeping information in the old, tried and true format as well. Now I use it for my email, my calendar, my task list, my contacts - everything I would have traditionally written down somewhere else. I also started using OneNote for the first time last year and I love it! This nifty little program has taken the place of my old write-everything-down composition book - a system I've been using for eons. The switch took a little getting used to, but the electronic notebook format of OneNote is infinitely better - I can still have my page-a-day to do list, but I can also keep my other lists in their own sections of the notebook. And color code it! I'm in nerd heaven! So instead of printing about four sheets of paper a day just dedicated to my various lists, I've retrained myself to use virtual paper instead. I'm down to printing my one reminder list a day - and by the end of the day I have scribbled notes on it, marked off items, and written down numbers and other important information to be entered in Outlook at the end of the day. Hopefully in a couple of weeks, I'll even be able to let this wasteful quirk go, too. Maybe. You know the Chinese proverb: the palest ink is better than the sharpest memory...
12 years ago
Just remember to back up all that Outlook data on a regular basis :-)