last night, I dove into a box of papers and stuff and found this hilarious sketch that my college roommate drew over thirty years ago. I wouldn't say that we were bad; I mean, what kind of shenanigans can you really get up to at a Christian liberal arts college? We were, um, mischevious. Yes, that's it. Stuff like water fights and riding in the laundry cart. I held the record for taking the stairs like whitewater rapids in the laundry cart - my only injury: a broken middle finger. But I digress... Anyhow, we had this particularly annoying RA on our floor who was a member of the Gestapo in a previous life. She wasn't especially bright, either, and every night for a week I crept stealthily into her bathroom and put ketchup packets under the toilet seat, which would explode when she sat down. A week! Wouldn't you have started checking after the first attack? I don't know if she ever suspected me or not, but Anne would get so fizzed about the way this girl thought she had to monitor everyone that she started drawing caricatures of her and hanging them on the bulletin board. This one is my favorite. In fact, I'm going to print it on some note cards and send them to Anne. She'll get a kick out of old What's-Her-Name's resurrection.
I'm trying to avoid any labor that requires conscious thought today, so I'm finishing up my stash of client birthday cards for next year. And I'm starting to aggravate my paper-cutter's elbow again... I am also going to put away the office Christmas decorations - and since there are Hershey kisses still left in the jar, I guess I'll just have to eat some. Does chocolate go stale? I know it can lose its temper, but I don't know about how long it takes to go bad. Can chocolate, being chocolate, even go bad? That's my existential question for the day.
Finally, I remembered to wear my New Year's Eve socks today. Our big plans: Aggie and I are going to have frozen pizza for dinner and watch The Last Shot with Matthew Broderick and Alec Baldwin. Looks kinda funny. Just looking at Matthew Broderick makes me laugh.
Happy New Year!